The Bird Call
Diaper Bag Essentials
After a surprise hospital stay with our two year old, I realized how crucial a well-stocked diaper bag really is, and I feel even more prepared to share my thoughts on the essentials for both baby and toddler.
C-Section Mama
Remember this: you are a BADASS! Epidural, Catheter, Stomach cut open, Organs taken out, and a scar left behind to remind you how you birthed your babies. It might not have been what you planned for but a c section is still a birth!
Am I Ready To Be A Step-Parent?
It can be a risky step to take dating someone that has children. One has to potentially be ready to quickly take on a lot of extra very important responsibilities. Luckily, in my case it has proved so far to be one of the best choices I have made!
Eight Things I Wish I Knew About Egg Freezing
Upon deciding to freeze my eggs a few years ago, I realized so much about the process felt unknown, confusing, or taboo to ask about. Here is some of what I learned along the way.